Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Query Goal Reached

Good Late Evening All,

With just over 30 minutes to spare, I just sent my second query letter of the month and IT was a struggle!  I couldn't find my "elevator" summary after almost 30 minutes of searching for starters.

For those who are not familiar, I found a wonderful article that mentioned this scenario.  You are in an elevator and you just happen to be riding it down with a very influential contact whether it be an agent, a publisher, or even a movie producer.  You have the length of the elevator ride to sell your work of art.  It has to be enough to grab their attention and leave them begging for more.  I had the most near  PERFECT "elevator" summary and for the life of me I can't find where I wrote it down.  Oh well.  I'll either find it or remember it someday if it's meant for me to remember it.

I had to write a summary from scratch because my last summary seemed to be missing some things.  But the bio was easy since I don't have my author history lol.

Perhaps because this query was so hard to plant, it will grow the most fruit.  We shall see.

Regardless, it is late and I am sleepy.  Time to brew a cup of gentle Chamomile or Jasmine tea, pull out a good book (mine sounds good hahaha) and, as always people

Happy Reading

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